Wireless remote controls, alarms, PC software and LED displays for load sensors to ensure safe, easy and comfortable load cell force monitoring and measurement. Straightpoint's range of wireless accessories may be used with all Straightpoint wireless load cells.
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Wireless signal booster
Wireless Signal Booster (SW-R) improves the signal from wireless load cells to either a handheld display or Insight software when there are obstacles in the line of the wireless transmission.

Wireless overload alarm module
The SW-OAM is a wireless relay module featuring audio and visual warning indicators.
The alarm can be triggered based on the set alarm level of individual loadcells.
Units can be paired with a maximum of four loadcells, the alarm will be triggered if any one of the loadcells exceeds its set alarm level.
The SW-OAM is ideal as a Wireless Overload Detection System.
Wireless Base Station
The SW-BS is ideal for integration with PLC, SCADA, DAQ or other compatible third-party systems. The device can be configured to provide any of the following outputs as per configuration:
• 4-20mA, Relay setpoint, RS485 ASCII, or optional CANbus 2.0A & 2.0B

Multiple wireless load cell controller and centre of gravity software
INSIGHT software, supplied with an SW-D USB wireless dongle, allows the connection of up to 126 Straightpoint wireless load cells simultaneously onto any Windows tablet or laptop.
Wireless display
This 100mm (4”) scoreboard LED display has a wireless range of 700m/2300ft and is viewable for up to 45m/150ft. Perfect for installation on a crane gantry the unit operates on 100-240 VAC and displays an individual load or summed load for up to eight Crosby Straightpoint Wireless devices.